5. 最もありそうにない可能性を最もよく表現している文を選んでください。
A) He can arrive before 5 p.m.
B) He could have arrived by now.
C) He may arrive later.
D) He might not arrive until tomorrow.
6. どの文が申し出を伝えるために最も適切に助動詞を使用していますか?
A) Shall we go out for dinner tonight?
B) She must leave for dinner now.
C) You might need to go out tonight.
D) He would rather stay in tonight.
7. どの文が助動詞を使って、あまり確実でない予測を表現していますか?
A) He will complete the task soon.
B) He may complete the task tomorrow.
C) He must complete the task by tomorrow.
D) He shall complete the task by then.
8. どの文が満たされていない暗黙の義務を最もよく表現していますか?
A) You should complete the application if you want the position.
B) You needn’t have worried about the deadline; it was extended.
C) You ought to have completed the application by now.
D) You can complete the application later.
9. 次の文のうち、どの文が控えめな提案を表現していますか?
A) You might want to review your notes before the test.
B) You must review your notes thoroughly for the test.
C) You will want to review your notes before the test.
D) You should review your notes before the test.
10. どの文が最もありそうにない仮定の状況を伝えていますか?
A) If she practices, she can become a professional singer.
B) She could be a professional singer if she wanted to.
C) She would be a professional singer by now if she had practiced.
D) She might become a professional singer someday.