中学2年 学年末テスト対策問題



It has ( be / is / been / was ) sunny since yesterday
Shin has used this computer ( since / for ) two years.



ア. 私は彼の俳句を初めて読んだときから大ファンです。(一語補う)
( read first fan a big I his haiku been I’ve ) .
イ. 彼の日本に対するイメージは、私に好奇心をそそりました。(一語補う)
( Japan me curious of His images)
ウ. ベッキーさんが日本に興味を持ったきっかけは? (一語補う)
( become in Japan did Mr. interested Baker)?
エ. 好きな俳人は誰ですか?
( favorite your poet haiku Who’s)?
オ. 俳句は江戸時代から日本文化の重要な一部でした。
(since culture the Haiku part Edo period have an of Japanese important been).



(1)Shunsuke has played soccer for 14 years.(下線部を尋ねる疑問文に)
(2)Many people love these songs. (these songs を 主語にして受け身の文に)
(3)He wants a cat. (since last monthをつけて現在完了形の文に)
(4)Your room is cleaned every day. (疑問文に)
(5)My father gave me this pen. (下線部を主語に)
(6)This wall was built in 1810. (下線部を尋ねる疑問文に)



I joined a brass band two years ago. I still belong to the band.
I started to play the piano 15 years ago. I am still playing it.
I wanted a new I phone 15 last year. I still want to buy one.
My dad started to paint the wall this morning. He is still painting it.



