英作文 (英検クラス,大学受験クラス,アカデミッククラス)

親ガチャ is a popular term among young people.  The meaning of the word is so abstract that some use it for exclamation, others express their wish for the exchange of their parents considering their current situation.

Assume that you have a friend from overseas asking what it is.  How would you explain oyagacha?  Include some examples to enhance reality.

Also include your own opinion about why it is so popular and how it should be treated.


  1. 次の文をほぼ同じ内容になるよう書き換えなさい。

Judy is a girl (         )(          ) the piano well.

Mike is reading a letter (        ) (        ) yesterday.

The (      ) (        ) in the lake is Tom.

These are the pictures (       ) (          ) taken about 10 years ago.


2. 次の日本文に合うように、(  )内に適する語を入れなさい。

(    )people (          ) baseball in the park.

I (       ) Hiro (         ) (         ) (          ).


(          ) you (          ) Mito (           ) (          ) to Tom’s at two.


Which (       ) (         ) to Nagoya Station?


I have a dog (        ) (       ) long ears.


3. 英作文